“Patience Is Required for Evolution”I belong to a self-care focused Facebook group. One of the members posted a little reminder: “Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.” This could mean different things to many different people. To me, it was a reminder to focus on one practice […]
There are a few spots left! If you’re interested in joining us on this 6 month journey to exploring and expanding your journey to your happiest self, you can do that by registering here! You will be invited to 6 live sessions (1 per month, 4th Mondays) and to a […]
“I’ll Meet You There” (December, 2015 One Moment Shifts) Not long ago I was reminded of a poem by Rumi. This is a piece of it: “Out beyond the ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.” When I read this it reminds me […]
“A Note on Self-Blame and Forgiveness” (From November 2015 “One Moment Shifts”) These topics, self-blame (and its destruction) and forgiveness (and its healing benefits), could have many books written about them. Actually, they do. So, I’ll do my best to not write another book in what is supposed to be […]
Hey OMC friends! I have been biting my tongue and sitting on my hands with anticipation…I can now officially let you know about this super exciting opportunity! Get your passion for life on in Buenos Aires, Argentina! I’d like to invite you to join me in this exciting experience: March […]