Naked in Nature I, as well as ba-zillions of others, find that being in nature allows for the most incredible calming, inspiring, and healing opportunities. There’s tons of cool research and articles out there about why exactly being away from the concrete jungle and instead among the trees and fresh […]
Staring Thursday, OMC’s Self-Compassion Online Course will be taking off! We’ll dive into figuring out what exactly is Self-Compassion (and how it’s different from self-esteem, affirmations, and other positivity trainings), why Self-Compassion busts shame and self-critical thoughts and beliefs, and how to start bringing it into your life now. Most […]
In this vlog I share with you how Mindfulness is a practice. We have mastered the art of mindlessness by distracting ourselves with what is going on outside of us. Mindfulness is the practice of turning inward, paying attention to the internal. Let’s get practicing!
Is It Time to “F” Your Self? Whoa! Say, what? Yep, today we’re going to talk about “F’ing” your self. Of course, I’m referring to Forgiving your self. This just may be the key to your happiness and freedom. Forgiving others for what they have done, the ways they have […]