Mindfulness for Transformation.

Self-Compassion Online Course through OMC starts Feb 1!

Staring Thursday, OMC’s Self-Compassion Online Course will be taking off! We’ll dive into figuring out what exactly is Self-Compassion (and how it’s different from self-esteem, affirmations, and other positivity trainings), why Self-Compassion busts shame and self-critical thoughts and beliefs, and how to start bringing it into your life now.
Most of us have spent so much time focused outside of our self and building a critical voice, it’s a struggle to offer ourselves gentleness, kindness, love, and forgiveness.

When we can learn to have Self-Compassion, the world opens up in ways we could not have seen before. Not only does the relationship with our self change, but we can love others in a more powerful, true way. We start choosing options that are in line with our well-being, so we have a more fulfilling, joyful life.

You’ll be getting 8 video lessons, opportunities for Q&A, journal prompts and activities and worksheets, and an ongoing supportive environment for dialogue, reflection, and questions. This is a private group (secret Facebook group) so confidentiality is part of the nurturing, supportive environment we’ll be learning and exploring in.
This course is DANA (donation, gift, exchange of energy), so you can contribute what feels right to you!

I do hope you join us! Here’s the link to get in the course!