Mindfulness for Transformation.

Put a stop to ALL your suffering – Here’s how…..

What if I told you suffering was totally get-rid-of-able?

And what if I told you that was a choice?

And what if I told you that choice can be made right now? AND that your life would get tons better? 

Today (like an hour ago, so please excuse any typos) I was asked a question by an awesome lady doing the 10 Day Maitri Challenge (it’s totally FREE and in the Awakening Maitri – A Community For Self-Compassion  private Facebook community).

She simply asked, “What is Radical Acceptance?”

The first answer that came to mind was, “Oh ya know, it’s how we end our suffering. No biggie.”

And then I realized it would be way better to answer that question in an e-mail than using my phone keyboard. AND, then you’d all get to see my answer as well, which is awesome because this info is HUGE in transforming your life.

So….ready to end your suffering? Here we go!
(This e-mail might seem long, but you guys, there is at least one part of this e-mail that will change something in your life.)