In this vlog I share with you how Mindfulness is a practice. We have mastered the art of mindlessness by distracting ourselves with what is going on outside of us. Mindfulness is the practice of turning inward, paying attention to the internal. Let’s get practicing!
Vlogs and Blogs
Is It Time to “F” Your Self? Whoa! Say, what? Yep, today we’re going to talk about “F’ing” your self. Of course, I’m referring to Forgiving your self. This just may be the key to your happiness and freedom. Forgiving others for what they have done, the ways they have […]
Staying Strong, Keeping On The intention for this month’s One Moment Shifts is to offer ideas and tools for staying strong when we are enduring something difficult that is more on-going than a one-time thing. Examples are grieving a relationship, managing a change in physical ability, stressful life changes (even when […]
Our Purpose is to Heal This January, as we start the new calendar year and reflect on past progress and goals for the future, it’s essential to remember our purpose. When we have a purpose to our goals, a “why” that inspires our decisions and actions, something feels right and […]
Resilience Warrior Life is going to be tough sometimes. Life is also going to be beautiful and full of happy times. Nonetheless, life is also going to test us: unexpected inconveniences, losses, changes, even making choices that we know will be met with resistance or choosing personal growth over staying […]