I know how powerful a Mindfulness practices can be. I’ve seen so many (including me!) have amazing transformations in their lives.
I also know that it’s easy to lose focus, feel confused or stuck, and simply lose momentum.
Without consistent and convenient ways to practice and learn, and a supportive community, whatever we start can fizzle out quickly.
OMC has two memberships to help.
One Moment Mindfulness
6 Step OMM Transformation Journey
The doors are NOW OPEN!
Join by May 7th to start the 6 Step Path for Transformation.
One Moment Mindfulness Membership is NOW OPEN!
Doors close May 7!
The OMM Membership doors open only twice a year.
I cannot promise the price will remain the same next time the doors open.
If you're considering joining and getting the path to your True Self started, I would highly recommend joining now.
Weekly Calm
Monthly Subscription of weekly meditation practices
This monthly subscription delivers weekly.
If you're looking for a weekly practice that comes to you, this is perfect.
Mindfulness for grounding, calming, balance, and principles of Mindfulness.
Weekly Calm is included in the OMM Membership.