Have you registered to save your spot yet? Clearing Fears: Spring Cleaning, 3 Part Series starts SUNDAY! (April 19th, May 17th, May 31st – 5:30-6:45pm) You can sign up for 1, 2, or all 3 sessions! register at: tinyurl.com/omcClearFears When it comes to being your happiest self, all the How […]
April 15th is the last day for REGULAR REGISTRATION for Spring Into Mindfulness: A Half Day Mindfulness Experience! It is going to be a great afternoon full of mindfulness experiences, building your own practice, tapping into your inner wisdom. Plus, we’ll be led in an embodied mindfulness yoga practice! Registration: tinyurl.com/omcHalfDay
If you register TODAY (March 17th) for Spring Into Mindfulness: A Half Day Mindful Experience, you can register at the EARLY BIRD price! Use Promo Code: LUCKY tinyurl.com/omcHalfDay
Hey OMC friends! Don’t forget there is a new schedule for some of the practice sessions! Inner Wisdom has been moved to 3rd Mondays, so we’ll be having a session THIS MONDAY (March 16th)! Bonus: price has dropped for these practice sessions! Woohoo! Register here
Don’t forget to register for the Spring Into Mindfulness: Half Day Mindfulness Experience! Joinus on May 2nd 12-4pm for mindful yoga and other mindfulness experiences, and learning how mindfulness helps us tap into our inner wisdom and live life on purpose! Registration is super easy: tinyrul.com/omcHalfDay